The sadly dormant state of the Neo Geo Mini hacking scene.

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The sadly dormant state of the Neo Geo Mini hacking scene.

Post by /neogeo »

I personally have owned my NGM since Feb.19 and absolutely love the system. Only problem I have with it is no battery. All of that aside, I have noticed that almost all of the videos for hacking the NGM are years old at this point. And the process of hacking the thing requires taking it apart and burning firmware onto it which kind of concerns me enough to not be able to hack it. Like, I am very paranoid about this, because I don't know things like what will happen if I use the wrong cable or I hit the burn button at the wrong time. And the hacking scene has been so dormant that I can't even look for an easier way. So, yeah, I just wanted to express my frustation with the whole thing.

submitted by /u/deezbois420
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