Looking for some direction with AES mods and best memory card

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Looking for some direction with AES mods and best memory card

Post by /neogeo »

Hey guys. I finally got an AES in original condition. I’m interested in the best display option and other possible/common mods. It looks like that’s going to be a SCART cable, but I am in the United States and see no SCART monitors on Craigslist or FB Marketplace. How are you all displaying your AES? Also, what other mods are common for this console? I saw a BIOS mod chip, but don’t know the benefits. Lastly, what’s the best memory card option, and do all games need one to save, or do some have their own save battery? My serial number is 247123. Thank you in advance.

submitted by /u/BenderBendingBender
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