MVSX + Hylo issues/question

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MVSX + Hylo issues/question

Post by /neogeo »

Hey all, I got Hylo working on my MVSX and I’ve been loving it, but I was wondering if any of you experience issues with it? for example, I’ve noticed:

  1. sometimes it gets stuck in the menu, as if the stick was stuck on a direction, almost like it is loading something from usb then after a while it stops and works fine
  2. sometimes the hack doesn’t boot, it goes black then goes back to the boot menu, I have to restart the machine and try again
  3. sometimes after playing some games, the games don’t start anymore after going back to the menu and needs a reset.
I’m just trying to see if these are bugs and are normal or if there’s something wrong with either my USB drive or my system. Thanks a lot for your time!

submitted by /u/electrotoxic
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