Disappointment with Hylostick... can't launch with controllers attached.

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Disappointment with Hylostick... can't launch with controllers attached.

Post by /neogeo »

Let me clarify: I love the Hylo work, and at first, I thought Hylostick for the ASP was fantastic. I could finally enjoy original games on my ASP in ENGLISH--and more of them, too, like the Sengoku series (which is oddly omitted among the official releases).
HOWEVER... I was using the ASP in console mode, tucked away and out of sight with controllers attached. Then, when I tried to use the Hylo build, I discovered that I couldn't even LAUNCH Hylo without using the ASP to navigate the menu. In other words, the Hylo build somehow inserted itself into the ASP launch sequence such that controllers aren't recognized until AFTER it launches!
So, needless to say, jumping up and down to launch Hylo every time I wanted to play something was more than a little tedious. It's a shame... it's such a great build, all things considered. But just impractical if you're using anything but the built-in controls.

submitted by /u/NeoHyper64
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