Anybody have a Timeharvest Cbox consolized MVS, or any other MV-1C CMVS that fried itself?

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Anybody have a Timeharvest Cbox consolized MVS, or any other MV-1C CMVS that fried itself?

Post by /neogeo »

I'm going crazy, this is the second time my Timeharvest CMVS has died on me. Last time I sent it to a modder, he told me the CPU was fried. I had to order 3 different MV-1C boards to replace it (one never shipped, another the guy said arrived with a ton of damage and I should return it).
The first time it broke shortly after trying out a 151 multicart for all of 10 minutes. Lesson learned I figured, only ever used original carts from then on, avoid 3.3V flash. Now it is dead again after honestly very little use, crashed in the middle of Metal Slug and now gives neon pink, green, and cyan garbage with or without a cart inserted. (
I'm going to order a diagnostic BIOS and see if it will run in any capacity, does anyone have any other suggestions though? I'm very wary that something else is wrong with this unit, given that two MV-1C's have fried in it. Maybe the cheap Chinese PSU is outputting way too many volts or something? It's 12V 3 Amps center-positive, though I figure really I need to probe around the CPU or something and see if it's getting the expected 5V.

submitted by /u/bobrocks95
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