Viewpoint - Fast Charge Shot Strategy?

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Viewpoint - Fast Charge Shot Strategy?

Post by /neogeo »

For whatever reason, I've developed a fixation on wanting to be a master at Viewpoint for the NeoGeo. I really dig the isometric viewpoint and soundtrack, yet I've never made it past the second level because it's so damn difficult. Something that I've noticed online is that people who really know this game have a strategy where they time the charge shot just right to shoot continuous "half" charge shots — such as in the final stage of this boss.
I've been wondering if there's a method to it, because I've spent a decent amount of time trying to learn it and I ultimately fail at keeping the rhythm. I was wondering if it might be because I'm playing on a retro handheld, whereas a lot of the pros that I've seen on YouTube use an arcade type of setup. It just generally seems to me like people who know this game have a method to shoot faster and discussion on Viewpoint is hard to come across.

submitted by /u/succ-supreme
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