Been using this thing for a year and I have a bunch of questions that aren't worth having their own posts.

[Released: 2019] The PlayStation Classic is a dedicated video game console by Sony Interactive Entertainment that emulates games originally released on its 1994 PlayStation console.

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Been using this thing for a year and I have a bunch of questions that aren't worth having their own posts.

Post by /psxclassic »

I have been using my PS Classic modded with Project Eris for over a year and have a bunch of questions about things I just wasn't able to figure out myself just yet.
1- What's the Alphatitle? Presumably it has something to do with game sorting in the desktop app, but idk
2- Is there any way to make / remap the eject button on the console to close retroarch?
3- This one I could figure out myself but I don't reeallyy want to risk it: Can I use the app for editing internal games to completely removve all internal games? I prefer to have all my games on external storage so that I can easily edit their box art / possible typos I made
4- Can I plug a powered USB hub into the OTG cable and use that to plug in my controllers instead of the front ports? Can I do this to get more controller ports?
5- I have over 50 games on my PS Classic and now all the boxarts in the carousel clip when I circle through them, is there a way to mitigate that? I know about folders, but that isn't a very appealing solution for me.
6- Any way to make the PS Classic play music when in the carousel, like the mini consoles by NIntendo?Or could it even play a random song (like from the PS1 demo discs) each time it's booted?
7- Is there a way to customize how the Retroarch popups look? The ones that appear when loading or saving, or when changing discs.
I'd like to make a special texture for them, but I have no clue if it's even possible.
Thank you!

submitted by /u/Lufvave
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