I swapped internal game again after swapping it over a year ago, now I'm having issues

[Released: 2019] The PlayStation Classic is a dedicated video game console by Sony Interactive Entertainment that emulates games originally released on its 1994 PlayStation console.

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I swapped internal game again after swapping it over a year ago, now I'm having issues

Post by /psxclassic »

I just finished swapping my internal games and they appear on the stock menu (no usb plugged), however when I plug in my pe build, I'm having issues where some of the games internal games dont have box art and wont boot but it shows as a transparent slot, theres 3 extra games on the ui with no cover (transparent image) that I previously had internally and put them on the pe build, and 2 games that I added internally just dont show at all. I tried to see if I can add the 2 extra games that dont didnt show to the folder where I have all my ps1 games, but they dont show up in game manager. Also I tried to remove the extra game slots that show as transparent images, and they dont show in game manager either. Any help please?

submitted by /u/RandomGuyOnDaNet90
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