Bonk 3 CD

The CD-ROM² is an add-on attachment for the PC Engine that was released in Japan in 1988 and allows the core versions of the console to play PC Engine games in CD-ROM format in addition to standard HuCards. This made the PC Engine the first video game console to use CD-ROMs as a storage media.

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Bonk 3 CD

Post by /turboG16 »

Does anyone have the back story on this one? What an amazing title. Think of it.
The game was coded in Japan, modified for US audiences, and originally released on a fairly uncommon 8Mb HuCard.
Somehow a rare version of the game was ONLY released in the states on CD, specially built to load in 2Gb chunks, and it has a fully re-orchestrated version of the music.
All this was done in the last days of the TurboGrafx in the US. Why was it not released in Japan where it probably would have sold for a while?
Who developed it? Who made the CD music tracks (no names.. just USA or Japanese musicians)?
Lastly what was the purpose of the CD.. is it similar to Sidearms Special where it was released only for the tracks? Why would anyone produce it in such a hard market then?
I'm also curious as to why it was completely ignored when released to the Wii virtual console.. it seems like such a missed opportunity!

submitted by /u/somethedaring
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