Good 3DS/DS Isometric Shooter?

[Released: 2011] The 3DS is similar to the DS, but is capable of projecting stereoscopic 3D effects without the use of 3D glasses or additional accessories. A redesigned "XL" version of the console was also released.

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Good 3DS/DS Isometric Shooter?

Post by /3ds »

Revisited Max Payne on the GBA recently, and I kinda got a little love for those games. I know there's "A Sound Of Thunder" by the same devs on the GBA, and I was wondering if there was something comparable?
Top down suggestions sound alright, even if it's not what I'm looking for. Hell, maybe even side scrolling, but that's kinda beside the point. I want something with modern guns and atmosphere if possible (just like Max Payne), no peashooters or anything silly please. Good luck guys, and thanks! ?

submitted by /u/toxicSTRYDR
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