Samurai Shodown embraces the next generation as it releases optimized for Xbox Series X/S this winter

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Samurai Shodown embraces the next generation as it releases optimized for Xbox Series X/S this winter

Post by SRK »

[h=3]Hopefully, this relationship continues when KOF XV rolls around.[/h]As a part of the Tokyo Game Show 2020, SNK and Xbox announced that Samurai Shodown (2019) (Also known as Samurai Spirits in Japan) launches optimized for the upcoming Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S consoles this winter. While additional details are scarce, Samurai Shodown on Xbox Series X/S will fall in line with the other “optimized” titles, featuring “unparalleled load-times, heightened visuals, and steadier framerates at up to 120FPS”. Whether or not the current Xbox One version of Samurai Shodown will transition to a Smart Delivery title or if it will be a standalone release remains to be seen.
There appears to be some contention regarding the release date for the Series X/S optimized title, however. Xbox Wire originally stated that the optimized versions would be available at the consoles’ launch on November 10, while SNK states winter as the release window in the description of their recently uploaded announcement video. While we wait for more info, take a look at the crisp visuals and smooth animations in the announcement trailer below!

Xbox is putting a large focus on Japan this generation by decreasing the price of the Xbox Series S in the country and ensuring more Japanese titles make it on their platform. You can find all of their announcements from the Tokyo Game Show 2020 here!
What other titles do you hope get the “optimized” treatment and make their way over to the next generation? Share your thoughts in the comments below!
Source: Xbox Wire

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