My DSi XL has a scratch on the bottom screen which impacts gaming, is there anyway I can get it sent to Nintendo to have it f

[Released: 2004/8] The DS/i is a dual-screen handheld console and resembles that of the multi-screen games from the Game & Watch line. The lower display is overlaid with a touchscreen designed to accept input from a stylus.

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My DSi XL has a scratch on the bottom screen which impacts gaming, is there anyway I can get it sent to Nintendo to have it f

Post by /nDS »

I have a blue DSi XL, and there’s a scratch on the touch screen and it impacts gaming a bit. I don’t want to get a new one, so I was wondering if Nintendo still does fixes? I heard a while ago that they do, but I wanted to get another opinion.

submitted by /u/latentdream
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