Jurassic Park is a blast!

[Released: 1985] One of the most unusual features of the Sega Master System is its dual media inputs: one cartridge slot and one card slot. The card slot accepted small cards about the size of a credit card.

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Jurassic Park is a blast!

Post by /markiiisystem »

So I recently watched Sega Lord X's video on good looking SMS games, more specifically the second one, about audience's recommendations. I don't care much for cartoon themed games (except for Mickey Mouse's 'Illusion ones) so I started playing the other ones to just see what they were about. And Jurassic Park was a fantastic experience.
The graphics are amazing, music and sound effects are not annoying and get you in the mood, the controls are responsive and the game is challenging in a fun way.
You can choose in what order you complete it; when you press Pause you access a stats and item screen that allows you to use health packs and pick from three different weapons; stages range from standard side scrolling to the end (and you can choose to gun everything down or simply jump/duck out of the way from attacks), to having to switch between different rooms to find your way - but this is not done to an extreme, and you don't need FAQ's or to draw maps to conclude the stage.
Getting to each main stage is fun with the car racing through the park and you actually having to gun down dinos - if you don't succeed, you start the next stage with less health (instead of failing you), but if you can do that, you reach a mini-boss fight, and it's almost a life or death struggle, with your car inching ever close to the end of your screen - the goal! - to get you to safety before you have to engage the next stage! Thrilling!!
Boss fights range from easy (Pteranodon, Brachiosaurus and Velociraptor) to difficult (Tyrannosaurus) to very difficult (Triceratops) but all still rewarding, for either the challenge, story or marvel at the SMS capabilities.
Also, it reminded me of the old times, when computers were still a novelty ("computer-controlled security system" which fails in this story), and games took on a simpler approach - this wasn't "part 1 of a trilogy": since the game's premise is to put the dinos back into their cages, by concluding the game, you allow the park to open to the public. It becomes a success and everyone is happy. It also mentions how dinos are interesting not only for kids but for adults as well - probably a commentary on video games as well at the time, which were already starting to be seen as entertainment for adults too, not only toys for children.

submitted by /u/ph0rge
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