What's your favorite N64 racing game if you had to pick only one? And why?

[Released: 1996] The console's design was revealed to the public for the first time in late Spring 1994. The N64 console was frequently marketed as the world's first 64-bit gaming system and sold 500,000 units in North America during its first four months.

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What's your favorite N64 racing game if you had to pick only one? And why?

Post by /n64 »

I've been on a binge of playing all the racing games the 64 has to offer ever since my Everdrive arrived a week ago. And man am I having fun.
Mario 64 is as fun and classic as ever
Diddy Kong racing, Waverace 64, Cruis'n USA, Beetle Adventure racing, Hydrothunder and Star Wars Ep1 Racer are just some that I'm having way too much fun with.
But my absolute favorite? (Coincidentally one I never played as a kid but have been addicted to the past week) has to be F-Zero X. It's my first F-Zero game and the speed at which you race is exhilarating. I genuinely think this is the most fun I've had playing a racing game. And having 29 other racers makes it just that much more exciting!
What's your favorite if you had to pick one, and why?

submitted by /u/Irrapture
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