Looking for a way to backup my N64 memory card data for battery swaps and eventual FRAM conversions

[Released: 1996] The console's design was revealed to the public for the first time in late Spring 1994. The N64 console was frequently marketed as the world's first 64-bit gaming system and sold 500,000 units in North America during its first four months.

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Looking for a way to backup my N64 memory card data for battery swaps and eventual FRAM conversions

Post by /n64 »

I recently replaced the battery in my N64 memory card and have been hesitant to put too much time into progressing games that use it (Turok: Rage Wars mostly) knowing the battery could die again (especially since I put a dollar store battery in it just to test if it was just the failed battery.) I wanted to take some proactive steps this time and make sure I had a way to back up my N64 memory card saves for when I want to change the battery or feel like trying to swap an FRAM chip into it so I don't have to worry about the battery anymore.

In my research into a viable solution, I found the DexDrive by InterAct, but read that it will not work on modern PCs because the software is written for 16 bit operating systems (64-bit Windows does not support 16 bit programs. XP Mode on Windows 7 might work since I've seen even Windows 3.1 programs running in it just fine.) I'd be willing to pull an old laptop out and let that run the software if that's the only solution, but I wanted to see if there was a more modern solution out there that was compatible with a 64-bit operating system that isn't too much more expensive than an N64 DexDrive on eBay.

TL;DR: Does anyone make a modern solution for backing up N64 memory card saves onto a PC? Or is the DexDrive still the best option even with compatibility issues considered?

submitted by /u/Arvex
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