Question about multi-player on the original TG16.

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Question about multi-player on the original TG16.

Post by /turboG16 »

Pardon my rather ignorant question here but this keeps coming up when I see reviews about the TG16 mini. Many of these reviewers like to point out that to play multiplayer games on the OG TG16, you absolutely had to have the multi-tap.
While I never owned the OG TG16 console, I knew a friend who had one back sometime around the summer of 1990. Well, he had every non-Nintendo pre-SNES home console back then(Atari 7800, Genesis , TG16).
Anyways, I recall many a time playing 2 player games with him on his TG16 and didn't have to use the multi-tap to play. Something about pulling off the back cover to reveal the port for the multi-tap on the left hand side of the top of the uncovered unit and just plugging in the second controller there. I know he had several games but the only two I remember playing the most were military madness and Keith Courage.
So I've been digging around the internet not only did I figure out that my memory was incorrect about Kieth Courage being a 2-player alternating game to play, but Military Madness is indeed a multiplayer game on one console.
At the time all this was going on I was very young (~13 at the time) so I am willing to attributing some of this to faulty 40+ year old memory.
So, the question is how the heck did he and I play Military Madness in 2-player mode? Were there other games that one could play in 2-player without the multi-tap? Did my friend have some sort of modded console or rare revision that didn't sell as much as others?
Thanks in advance for any light you can shed on this topic. If I'm posting this in the wrong place then please let me know where to post this question.

submitted by /u/Luigi182
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