i need help finding something for the gameboy color

[Released: 1998] As suggested by the name, features a color screen. It is slightly thicker and taller than the Game Boy Pocket, which is a redesigned Game Boy released in 1996. As with the original Game Boy, it has an 8-bit processor and the custom Zilog Z80 central processing unit.

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Bustin' Moves
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i need help finding something for the gameboy color

Post by /gbColor »

so i have been nagging for one of those weird gameboy things like the gb-saitek booster boy or the hyperboy. basically gameboy addons that turn the gameboy into a mini home console or arcade cabinet. the problem is that i can't seem to find anything like that for the gameboy color. i would buy an original gameboy but my budget is $36. so i just want to get one for the gbc. so does anyone know about a arcade-ifyer? i have been wanting a cool way to play some pac-man special color edition. any help would be appreciated.

submitted by /u/Villagerjj
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