Capacitor c38 lost trace while replacing! Please help guys!

[Released: 1998] As suggested by the name, features a color screen. It is slightly thicker and taller than the Game Boy Pocket, which is a redesigned Game Boy released in 1996. As with the original Game Boy, it has an 8-bit processor and the custom Zilog Z80 central processing unit.

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Capacitor c38 lost trace while replacing! Please help guys!

Post by /gbColor »

Reddit guys you are the only ones who can help me! I was going to replace capacitor c38 on the GBC, but I completely lost my trace from the PCB on the positive side!! Can anyone tell me where it goes? (so I can wire my capacitor to that place on the PCB) So I can try to fix my issue? I would do it myself with my multimeter but have nothing left on my PCB for the + side :(

submitted by /u/ignaciohidalgo1981
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