Almost offended a store owners homosexual daughter because of LJN.

[Released: 1990] The SNES was the best-selling console of the 16-bit era despite its relatively late start and the fierce competition it faced. The console was able to run some of the first three-dimensional video games on consoles, beginning with Star Fox.

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Almost offended a store owners homosexual daughter because of LJN.

Post by /snes »

Short story.
Retro store in my city I've been visiting for years got a huge stack of SNES games in and he let me go behind the counter (know the owners really well) to take a look at them and even let me put some aside to pick up the next day.
While digging through the pile, his daughter shows up (never met or even seen his kids before) and she's talking with her mother, and I pick up T2 Judgement Day, a game produced by LJN, turn around and say "Oh no! Bad rainbow!".
Her eyes meet mine and she looks completely dumbfounded at what she just heard and I kind of just looked at her and said "What? LJN games are bad."
Her dad starts laughing and explained it to her.

Sorry if this isn't the place for this but I just wanted to tell the story.

submitted by /u/SuprSaiyanTurry
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