Games running too fast

[Released: 2019] The PlayStation Classic is a dedicated video game console by Sony Interactive Entertainment that emulates games originally released on its 1994 PlayStation console.

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Games running too fast

Post by /psxclassic »

Hey guys,

I got Bleemcast installed last night (couldn't tell you what version or anything, just assume the latest as of yesterday night) on my PS Classic and it's running great AFAIK...but then I play Tony Hawk 2. One of those games where I'm just an ace at it, it feels wrong, too fast maybe, a little weird, I don't know. The music plays at the right speed though so I pay it no mind for a few rounds. Then I find myself unable to pull off the little ramp jump to get the last cash icon in the Hangar and I'm like no, I can do that with my eyes closed. So I figure I might just have grabbed a dodgy ROM, I jump over to THPS3 then. It is kinda the same but not as bad. This time I time it though, I pull out a timer on my phone and stack it next to the in game timer. When the 2 minute level timer hit zero in THPS3, the phone had exactly 20 seconds left. Meaning the game is running at 116.666% speed I guess, as there's one sixth unaccounted for.

I didn't notice it really in any other games, maybe it wasn't there, maybe it's not as bad, maybe I'm not that up to snuff on them, I don't know. I chalked it up to emulation honestly. But then I played Crash 1 and the music (and gameplay, again) was way too sped up. It was weird to play.

So with the long intro out of the way, I'm sure there is a way, but do you guys know how to go about slowing down the games on the Classic just a little bit? I'm an absolute idiot when it comes to a lot of tech stuff, me personally, I'd assume it means I need to slow down the CPU clock speed but I don't really know what the clock speed does anyway and I don't wanna do the wrong thing, so anyone got some sage advice for me? Cheers!

submitted by /u/Super-Fly_Spider-Guy
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