Help installing a multi kit on an older board

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Help installing a multi kit on an older board

Post by Arcade-Projects »

Hello, I hope someone can help!

I recently bought this decased MVC rev 3 board to install the multi kit:


However there are a couple of things I didn't realise at time of purchase (sadly a noob when it comes to these things):

  • The jumpers aren't correct I think?
  • There are no connectors on the left of the board
  • There's a wire on the back going from where the one of the sockets should have been to the chip in 14
The first point isn't a big issue, but I am not sure what to do about the other two.

I know it is a DIN 41612 but there are so many different ones I'm not sure which is required. Also uncertain how the board got like this, or what the wire is about.

Any help/advice would be appreciated and please have patience with my silly questions. Thank you!

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