Cleaning questions with the Neogeo MVS board and MultiMVS.

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Cleaning questions with the Neogeo MVS board and MultiMVS.

Post by Arcade-Projects »

I'm aware that cleaning the MVS board and carts should be on the to-do list once in a while to avoid potential problems. Using a vinyl/plastic eraser followed by some contact cleaner soaked Q-tip or anything similar for the cart and something thin like a credit card covered with thin cloth or a dismantled NES cart cleaner with some contact cleaner for the slots on the board.

However, what I want to know is that is it possible to clean the board itself with something like applying some contact cleaner to a cloth and just rub it out or brushing it is the only way?
I'm not saying that my board is very filthy but I don't like to play chances with dirt, smudges, and such that a brush can't handle. I've seen someone talking about how PCBs are supposedly safe with water and such as long as there's no battery involved but I find it to be a bit too extreme and don't have the guts to do so.

Speaking of which, it's fine to clean the MultiMVS with the ol' eraser and contact cleaner approach right? Don't want to accidentally screw it up.

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