Defender Red Label Jamma Configuration Issue

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Defender Red Label Jamma Configuration Issue

Post by Arcade-Projects »

Hi Everyone,

I am new to this whole forum and the new owner of a multi-cade one of those 3000 in 1 Jamma. It has been fun to use and inevitably I have had to tweak some settings on some of the games - no problem. Tweaked Capcom Bowling and a few other games.

My issue is with Defender Red Label. I followed the same steps in the manual. Set SW2 Dipswitch 4 to on, hit the ADJ2 button to get into the edit screen, went into Input entry for that game. and made some changes then hit the ESC button to exit out of the edit screen to take it back to the game list, hit the SETUP button, went to the Config file settings, hit the save configuration option, then exited out of that screen and then set the SW2 Dipswitch 4 back to off.

BUT, the adjustments are not being applied. HOWEVER, if I put the SW2 Dipswitch 4 back to the ON position, then it does work the way I want it to. But, that is a pain. The idea that for one game, that I need to open up the machine to switch that Dipswitch back to ON (which is the edit mode) to play it, then open it up again to hit that switch to hen go to the other games can't be right.

I also cannot get it to reset to the original factory settings for that game alternatively.

So, I guess I have two questions: 1 - How can I get it to save the changes so I don't need to keep it in edit mode to play it and.... 2 - Can someone post a screenshot of what the default factory settings in case I need to start over? The settings for this are all symbols and it is very hard to figure out how I can get it back to what it was originally.

Obviously my first question is the way I want to go. But ANY help on how to adjust this game would be helpful. And again, this is the only game where I am running into a problem.

Any help and ideas are truly appreciated.



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