Bubble System PCB arrived, BS TwinBee was dumped

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Bubble System PCB arrived, BS TwinBee was dumped

Post by Arcade-Projects »

OK... I've got a Bubble System motherboard from France.

I know why the Japanese raise the market price even though it's already a ridiculous price, but the Bubble System PCB itself is very common. Someday the price will go down.

However I'm still looking for a non-working Bubble System PCB and Konami's "City Bomber" PCB. I really wish someone would kindly sell one to me. It is for my research.

That PCB is half dead anyway. It loads data from a bubble memory, but displays nothing(video sync alive)and sometimes the load sequence stops in the middle. Think several Fujitsu TTLs are bad. This PCB is notorious for its poor soldering, faulty TTLs and DRAMs.

I'm planning to test custom ASICs and replace nearly all TTLs in the near future.

Plus, good news. I correctly dumped Bubble System TwinBee. Has been checked on a real machine. I hope MAME will support this soon.

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