NEC XM29 service manual request / B+/HV help?

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NEC XM29 service manual request / B+/HV help?

Post by Arcade-Projects »

Anyone happen to have the version of the XM29 service manual that has the important parts, like how to actually service it?

The one on shmups and retrorgb is incomplete.

If not, how about what a proper B+ reading should be?

I recapped the entire monitor after six months of it sitting in pieces. Got it back together, triple checked all the cabling, and it clicks on but no screen static. Green light, no blinking, so it's not the fans.

Power comes out of the PSU and into the bottom right PCB and comes into the top right PCB but I read a flat 0 on the B+, so no power ever gets sent to the flyback board. This much I know as a fact.

Considering the protection circuit is on the suspect PCB, I'm hoping that the voltage is just too high now that it's recapped properly and the system is shutting itself down for safety?

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