GDEmu - Testing a theory re heat

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GDEmu - Testing a theory re heat

Post by Arcade-Projects »

I have a theory regarding GDEmu and overheating issues.

I think people are mistakenly putting the cause down to the 12V rail no longer being utilised. A stock Dreamcast console with stock GDrom drive doesn't overheat if you leave it turned on, no disc in drive, idling on the main bios screen for example. It also doesn't overheat if you remove the GDrom drive, leave it empty, turn it on and let it sit there for hours. It only overheats with the GDEmu device connected. Also, the GDrom drive utilises 3.3V, I believe it only utilises 12V for the motor, which is seldom in use.

I also believe that the clone GDEmus don't cause this issue, at least mine nor no-one else I know with a clone has this issue. Everyone that I know with a genuine GDemu suffers the overheating issue.

Give me some more data to work with. Do you own a genuine or clone GDEmu device? Does your consoles run hotter than normal? What steps did you take to resolve it?

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