Connect CPS2 into MVS-1 slot JAMMA

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Connect CPS2 into MVS-1 slot JAMMA

Post by Arcade-Projects »


I very recently just got my first Arcade cab (sega new astro city) and I'm slowly learning the ins-and-outs of it.

The cab came wired up with Neo Geo MVS 1 slot board using JAMMA and it also came with a Pandora Box which I have swapped back and forth to test things out and all is working great.

I now purchased a CPS2 X-Men vs SF board and I feel like I didn't do my homework before the purchase since I have been reading that, even though MVS and CPS2 are both JAMMA, they are not the same and I might kill a board by plugging it into the MVS JAMMA. Is that really the case? are this not compatible and is there a risk of damage?


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