Great couch co-op games that aren't LEGO for me and my 10yr old nephew?

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Great couch co-op games that aren't LEGO for me and my 10yr old nephew?

Post by /xbox »

So once every three, four months my nephews come over and we love to play some videogames. For a long time it has been mostly LEGO games but I'm starting to get tired of it. You can only finish LEGO Batman, Indiana Jones etc games so many times until it just becomes too much.

So what other great couch co-op games are there on Xbox (Game Pass)? My nephew is 10, so something like Gears of War isn't happening, but perhaps a smaller game? I am sure there is plenty out there. So I hope to get some great recommendations here.
submitted by /u/MosquitoSmasher
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