Pocketpair confirms that more bosses are coming to Palworld

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Pocketpair confirms that more bosses are coming to Palworld

Post by Destructoid »


Palworld has been in open Beta for just three weeks now and we’ve already seen our first sneak-peak roadmap promising lots to come, but Pocketpair have also taken to Twitter in order to confirm one very specific thing - more Bosses are coming to Palpagos. 

The development team for the hit game have not gone into any specifics, but we’re likely to see more opportunities to pit our wits and our Pal teams against higher level duos as the game progresses. 

Commenters on the post have repeatedly mentioned the bug which allows players to capture and enslave the Tower Boss Duos on their party, stating their hopes that it remains in the game, perhaps even becoming an intended, albeit accidental, feature.

However, with the existing five Tower Boss Duos being pretty difficult to beat as it is, we could also potentially see more Alpha Pal type bosses added into the game. There are a few Pals who currently have no Alpha equivalent, so perhaps these will be part of the promised additions. 

It seems that while Pocketpair are choosing to focus on additional bosses in Palworld, players are more excited about the other things promised in the recent Roadmap, such as improved building mechanics and base Pal AI, as well as bug fixes. Xbox players are currently affected particularly badly by one such bug which prevents the autosave function from working.

Hopefully this issue and others, like the current unconfirmed bug concerning Lifmunk Effigies, will be addressed and fixed before Pocketpair forges ahead with additional content, especially given that the Roadmap promised "Xbox Feature Improvements". Considering the short time since the game's release to open Beta, Pocketpair have thus far managed to fix issues very quickly.

With 19 million players and counting, Pocketpair seem driven to improve the gameplay experience for both first-day players and newcomers. The attention has also led to the studio being in the spotlight in a different way, as The Pokémon Company put out an announcement saying they were investigating a popular game (assuredly Palworld) for any IP infringement.

The post Pocketpair confirms that more bosses are coming to Palworld appeared first on Destructoid.

Source: https://www.destructoid.com/pocketpair- ... o-palworld
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