Talking Point: What's The Best Nintendo Remake Ever?

[Released: 2017] The Switch is considered by Nintendo as a "hybrid" console. The main console unit connects to a television and can be removed from the dock and can function similar to a tablet through its LCD touchscreen. The system is region free.

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Talking Point: What's The Best Nintendo Remake Ever?

Post by NintendoLife »

Remake it so.

Later this week, Metroid: Zero Mission turns 20. This GBA reimagining transforms the original, iconic 8-bit Metroid — a game that can be hard to return to these days — into a stunning retelling of Samus' first adventure with a graphical overhaul, various Super Metroid-inspired tweaks, and a fun Zero Suit epilogue to boot. It's so good, in fact, that it rivals the SNES entry in the affections of several Nintendo Life writers.

As we reflected on Zero Mission's excellence ahead of its anniversary, it got us wondering: Which is the best remake from Nintendo's roster of reimaginings? We're not talking remasters or HD ports — we mean full-on reworkings that switch out models and rebuild the game from the ground up.

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Source: ... emake-ever
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