Palworld is nothing like Pokemon, and that’s why it’s so great

PC, Mac and Linux games, also known as computer games, are video games played on a personal computer. From the mid-90s onward they lost mass-market traction to console games before a resurgence in the mid-2000s through digital distribution.

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Palworld is nothing like Pokemon, and that’s why it’s so great

Post by PCGamesN »


If there’s one game I didn’t expect to hook me, it’s Palworld - or ‘Pokemon with guns,’ whichever you prefer. Part survival game part creature collecting sim, Pocketpair’s indie behemoth certainly resembles Pokemon at a glance, but its extensive crafting mechanics, sprawling open world, and general chaos are exactly what I’ve been looking for in one of Game Freak's games for some time - it’s the itch that Legends: Arceus failed to fully scratch.
Continue reading Palworld is nothing like Pokemon, and that’s why it’s so great MORE FROM PCGAMESN: Palworld pals, Palworld review, Palworld system requirements

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