How was Aero Fighters 2 ‘World Trade Center’ not controversial upon release?

[Released: 1990] Originally launched as coin-operated arcade machine, the Neo Geo Multi Video System offers owners the ability to put up to six different cartridges into a single cabinet.

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How was Aero Fighters 2 ‘World Trade Center’ not controversial upon release?

Post by /neogeo »

So we all know about the infamous WTC part on the US level. Everyone I see talk about it always associates it with 9/11, an even that would later happened 7 years in the future. HOWEVER, what about the first WTC bombing that actually took place almost a year and a half BEFORE the release of Aero Fighters 2? Over 1,000 people were injured and 6 people were killed. I have no idea how far into production AF2 was in Feb 1993, but at the end of the day I don’t see how SNK allowed that to stay in the game right after a terrorist attack hit America- (one of their biggest consumer markets mind you).

Obviously now that time has passed it may not seem like a big deal, but I feel like back when the game released that was a really risky thing to do for a company who was trying to dominate the gaming industry and couldn’t afford any screw ups. Had America taken offense and boycotted SNK games that could of been a serious setback.

I’m curious to hear your thoughts
submitted by /u/AlwaysBored10711
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