i made a way to communicate on lower level pi's from their browsers!

The Raspberry Pi is a series of credit card-sized single-board computers developed in the United Kingdom by the Raspberry Pi Foundation to promote the teaching of basic computer science in schools and developing countries.

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i made a way to communicate on lower level pi's from their browsers!

Post by /RaspberryPi »

i dont see any rules against any kind of self advertisement so here i go.

alright, for those who own a pi from the zero series or just an older pi in general, we know how much a web browser can slow down a pi, especially because of the complexity of sites nowadays (i mean even reddit, do you think a pi zero 2 w would be able to use this?), and i was bored a couple days ago. so i started working on my own chatting thing, eventually naming it "pisscord" (dont ask me why lol), but it looked too bland, so i added some more styling to make it look more modern, but i still had that old, kinda uglier version right in my documents folder, so i thought "why not rebrand it to some kind of communication software for the pi?" and thats exactly what i did. now ive ended up with PINEX. from my experience with using a pi zero 2 w, if you have an older/slower pi you should just be able to replace chromium with midori and use pinex without any problems. (why remove chromium and install midori instead? well, chromium is IN MY OPPINION, kind of slow.)

if you want to check it out you can find it here, if you're on a slower pi id reccomend clicking yes, although that newer version might work good aswell, but the pi version is made to be as easy for the browser to handle as possible, avoiding as much styling as possible.

anyways, thats it. bye!
submitted by /u/Averagehomebrewer
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Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/raspberry_pi/c ... level_pis/
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