My OG Xbox Lives with HDMI and DD5.1, it's glorious!

[Released: 2001] The Xbox was Microsoft's first video game console after collaborating with Sega to port Windows CE to the Dreamcast console and was the first console offered by an American company after the Atari Jaguar stopped sales in 1996.

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My OG Xbox Lives with HDMI and DD5.1, it's glorious!

Post by /xbox »

I had my OG Xbox I purchased new put away for the past 13 years. My daughter’s now 5-½ and getting interested in video games, so I pulled it out. I was please to find I had the original Xbox High Definition AV Pack, and my Denon AVR does have a set of component video inputs and TOS Optical inputs. Yet end the end, I ended up going the HDMI and TOS optical route with this:

This converter was new to Amazon, zero reviews, but I liked the specs and I liked that it had a TOS optical cable connection for Dolby Digital 5.1, which almost no others have. I’ve seen a lot of reviews on these OG Xbox HDMI converters that are pretty negative, but I figured with Amazon’s generous return policy I’d have nothing to lose to try this converter. It was delivered overnight w/Amazon Prime. Came in a small box, and was well packaged, coming with the converter, as well as a nice HDMI cable, a cable management Velcro strap, and an instruction manual. Note that the optical cable is not included. The converter itself looks very well made, housed in a high quality aluminum housing. I plugged the converter into my OG Xbox, and then ran the HDMI and optical cables to my Denon AVR, and made the appropriate configuration changes to the AVR.

I fired up my OG Xbox from its 13 year slumber, and amazingly it came right to life! I couldn’t resist firing up Doom3, and it looked glorious on my 70” Samsung! I think this converter’s a winner folks, $25 and it works great!
submitted by /u/SiliconBum
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