Go-LEDS: LED stripes triggered by IR Sensors - controlled by a Raspberry PI & programmed in golang

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Go-LEDS: LED stripes triggered by IR Sensors - controlled by a Raspberry PI & programmed in golang

Post by /RaspberryPi »


Hi, I have created a little program (and hardware) called Go-LEDS that allows a couple of WS2801 LED stripes to be controlled by a Raspberry Pi 3b.

Illuminating the hallway, and the followup effect

...and a little simulation program to help during development is there, too

I use it to illuminate my hallway, and for that a couple of IR sensors are attached to analogue/digital converters (MCP3008), again attached to the pi.


Both LED stripes and ADCs (and so in turn the sensors) are controlled via SPI and are soldered onto a small board together with a bunch of logic gates that in turn allow to multiplex the SPI channel over 4 devices (selectable via GPIO pins).


I have made a couple of different effects that can be configured via a config file. This also allows to configure the hardware setup quite flexible (as long as you are getting along with a total of 2 stripes and 2 ADCs attached).

With some small changes to the attached logic board, you can multiplex to more devices, and use 3 or more LED segments. The number of attachable sensors is already 16, so I don't expect one to run out of available connections easily.

All of this with much more detail including example videos, documentation of all the configuration options, source code etc. is available on github: https://github.com/jtl5770/goleds

Maybe someone feels inspired to build something similar. Feel free to ask for more information.
submitted by /u/jtl5770
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Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/raspberry_pi/c ... r_sensors/
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