Multiple HATs with Zero W, does stacking actually matter?

The Raspberry Pi is a series of credit card-sized single-board computers developed in the United Kingdom by the Raspberry Pi Foundation to promote the teaching of basic computer science in schools and developing countries.

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Multiple HATs with Zero W, does stacking actually matter?

Post by /RaspberryPi »

I think I know the answer to this, but I want to run a small eInk display and a small RTC on an RPiZeroW and I'm just curious, before I buy the components, if there's any reason I'd need to actually stack the HATs on the header and on each other rather than just running jumpers from each pin to each pin from the Pi to the two HATs with them physically located unstacked and to the side, rather than above. My thinking is this is fine so long as neither try to use the same pin or anything, but I don't know everything about things like UART and I2C and stuff so I just wondered if someone who knew more than me could tell me if I'm going to run into trouble running these two boards in this slightly different physical arrangement due to any peculiarities or requirements I've not seen (or perhaps understood) with the board.

Instead of:

in a stack

---- --- on a flat surface using individual cables from pin to pin without them being stacked together.

Checked FAQ, Checked wiki, did some Google searching, and it seems to either be so obviously possible it's not covered or it's called something I don't know and isn't showing up because I'm not searching for that term.
submitted by /u/Material_Strawberry
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Source: ... _actually/
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