Portal could actually be ported to PlayStation Vita!

[Released: 2012] As part of the PlayStation brand of gaming devices. In May 2013, Sony announced that all PlayStation 4 games would be compatible to be played through Remote Play on the PlayStation Vita.

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Portal could actually be ported to PlayStation Vita!

Post by /psvita »

It now seems that it is possible to port Portal to PlayStation Vita.

One reason is that it is available for download on google play, but it only seems to be downloadable for NVIDIA SHIELD so maybe not.

But another thing is online someone has released a modified version of the source engine and its code, (Github link for the modified source engine) and it has Arm and 64-bit support so we already know that it can run on the vita. but either way it could also be made in unity. Anyways I wanted to ask if someone could port it to the vita, it would be a blessing to a lot of people actually.

One more thing is that there are many Portal APKs online that can work on android perfectly with a few other files and that could mean more compatibility with the vita.

I created a video explaining how portal could be ported to the PS-Vita and it gained a bit of popularity. So a lot of other people seem to also want the port/clone. But yeah just wanted to comment about this. (If I broke the guidelines of the subreddit somehow I am sorry. )
submitted by /u/JavidGaming
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Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/PSVitaHomebrew ... aystation/
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