n64 transfer pak emulator compatibility

[Released: 2017] A successor to the NES Classic Edition, this remake comes with twenty-one Super NES titles pre-installed, including the official release of Star Fox 2.

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n64 transfer pak emulator compatibility

Post by /classicSNESmini »

Hey all, First post for me, so be gentle please.

I've been looking into emulator compatibility for an n64 transfer pak. And by extension compatibility on a mini snes.

So here's the issue, I've had a bit of a craving for some oldskool pokeymans lately, namely pokemon yellow and gold. I've been wanting to play some stadium 2 as well to really complement the nostalgia. I have all the real hardware except for the copy of stadium 2. I've been looking around but €70-250 is a bit on the steep side just to scratch a nostalgia itch imo.

So I have a mini snes too, and am aware of it being pretty easily hackable to play other console's games. My question is: is there an emulator for a snes mini which can interact with the transfer pack ? Preferably as much compatibility as possible of course. The controller i can just stick an adapter n64 to whatever you call that wii/mini connector in between (i assume).

submitted by /u/poliswagger
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Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/snesclassicmod ... atibility/
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