Best way to hook up a PS2 to an HD/4k tv?

[Released: 2000] The PS2 was video game console of all time, selling over 150 million units. More than 3,800 game titles have been released for the PS2 since launch, and more than 1.5 billion copies have been sold.

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Best way to hook up a PS2 to an HD/4k tv?

Post by /playstation2 »

I'm on a kick of wanting to hook up all my old game consoles to a modern TV, especially my old PS2. Since I have a lot of different systems, my current plan is to get a RetroTink 5x Pro and some sort of component switcher, like the gcomp, since I'm planning on getting HD Retrovision cables for most of my old systems and would like to have as much hooked up at once as possible.

I have pretty high confidence in this sort of setup, but does anyone have any other recommendations? Specifically, would the gcomp be worth it, or should I pursue a more economical option for component video switching?
submitted by /u/TheGreatZackAttack
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Source: ... n_hd4k_tv/
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