Some games have connection issues with my GBxCart Rw 1.4 Pro even after being cleaned

[Released: 1989] The Game Boy is Nintendo's second handheld system following the Game & Watch series. Despite many other technologically superior handheld consoles introduced during its lifetime, the Game Boy was a tremendous success.

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Some games have connection issues with my GBxCart Rw 1.4 Pro even after being cleaned

Post by /gameboy »

When I first got my GBxCart Rw Pro, it was able to read any cartridge I put in it. However, recently some show up as having connection issues, and I get the message prompting me to clean cartridge contacts and make sure the cartridge is aligned correctly. The logo check also fails every time. However, even after cleaning the "problem cartridges" with Q-tips and IPA I still get the same message. This is made stranger because other games still work perfectly with my cart reader, meaning the reader itself is probably clean, and the problem cartridges all appear clean and boot up without issue on my Gameboy. The logo never once shows up distorted or anything on the Gameboy side of things.

Are there more advanced cleaning techniques that might make these cartridges more readable? Are my contacts actually destroyed and the Gameboy just has lower standards for what it accepts than my GBxCart? Or have I somehow messed up these cartridges in a way that makes them impossible to use with my GBxCart? I have taken out the cartridges while the GBxCart was turned on, which I believe was something the instructions told me not to do, but this hasn't caused any issues for other games.

submitted by /u/TheGameBoyKidDX
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