Is it worth it pay hundreds of dollars on retro games?

[Released: 1996] The console's design was revealed to the public for the first time in late Spring 1994. The N64 console was frequently marketed as the world's first 64-bit gaming system and sold 500,000 units in North America during its first four months.

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Is it worth it pay hundreds of dollars on retro games?

Post by /n64 »

Hi, I'm new to this subreddit. N64 was the one and only video game console my parents were able to afford. When we got for Christmas, we had only 2 games WWF Attitude and Conker's Bad Fur Day. Being Conker's Bad Fur Day brand new, everything on the box including the manual. Over the time I was able to buy more games, a classmate got a PS2 and he sold me all his N64 games for as cheap as 0.75 cents back then ?. I remember buying pretty good titles from him, Super Mario 64, Mario Kart, 007, Star Fox, Diddy Kong Racing. All these major titles that now costs a fortune. Sadly my brother lend the N64 to his best friend and never returned it back! Until years later but NO GAMES came back, he lost them on a family member house, and they moved.
I have been thinking about buying Conker's Bad Fur Day since 2017 but it's expensive. My dream is to find it on a thrift store in my home country. Or maybe a yard sale where the old lady is selling her grandchildren old games. I have been suggested to buy the Repro, but you know, it's just doesn't feel the same. Do you think is worth it buy original cartridges when you just want to play them? I'm not a collector. I was lucky to buy Diddy Kong Racing twice for a fair price and even though now is more expensive I sold one of them to my brother because it was our favorite game of all time.
Is childhood nostalgia something we should care about? I wish I could turn back in time and hide all my favorite games somewhere in my parents closet. And find them now as an adult, like a time capsule.

submitted by /u/Ok-Pool-3141
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