Nintendo 64 crashes with original Jumper Pak - Details inside

[Released: 1996] The console's design was revealed to the public for the first time in late Spring 1994. The N64 console was frequently marketed as the world's first 64-bit gaming system and sold 500,000 units in North America during its first four months.

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Nintendo 64 crashes with original Jumper Pak - Details inside

Post by /n64 »

So here's what's been happening to me.
I used to have a third-party Expansion Pak which I recently attempted to get working again, unsuccessfully. At one point, I tested inserting the Expansion Pak's board by itself into the console (without the plastic casing). The console shorted out and wouldn't turn on.
At the time, I assumed it was the power brick's fuse going off, as I left the console unplugged and turned off for a while, then I plugged it back in and turned it back on and it worked again.
But now it keeps freezing only a few minutes (or almost immediately) after starting a game, even with my original Japanese Jumper Pak that came with the console when my family bought it used in 2001. Games require multiple attempts before they'll run without crashing. Only just now I've gotten Banjo-Kazooie to work (also tried it with OoT, Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine, Battle for Naboo, and my Everdrive 64 X7). This had never happened with this Jumper Pak before now. It's the same thing that happened to my Expansion Pak before it stopped working.
I've used dry Q-Tips and paper to clean the cartridges, the cartridge slot, the Jumper Pak, and the Jumper Pak slot, I've left the memory expansion lid off while the console is on, and I've jammed paper underneath the power brick to keep it from getting wobbly. Nothing has helped.
I don't think it's the Jumper Pak that went bad, as I understand they're hard to malfunction.
Did I kill something inside my console when I shorted it out? Is there a fix?
Thanks in advance.

submitted by /u/Ognimod_II
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