RPi 4 - TwisterOS and IPv6 Firewall Rules

The Raspberry Pi is a series of credit card-sized single-board computers developed in the United Kingdom by the Raspberry Pi Foundation to promote the teaching of basic computer science in schools and developing countries.

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RPi 4 - TwisterOS and IPv6 Firewall Rules

Post by /RaspberryPi »

I use a piece of software which requires a port to be opened. With my old ISP I was able to use a IPv4 address and port forwarding. I recently moved to a new ISP who use CGNAT, so unable to use port forwarding unless I pay a monthly fee for a static IPv4 address.
To get around this the ISP provides customers with an IPv6 address. I've added the port to the IPv6 firewall rules in my router. The software on my Windows 10 PC (with an IPv6 address) works fine as it can connect out of the port, but for whatever reason I cannot get the RPi 4 running TwisterOS/WINE to connect out. It worked fine when I setup port forwarding using a IPv4 address, but not with the IPv6 address.
Any ideas? Is there something on the RPi 4 that needs configuring?

submitted by /u/skyking_comms
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