The extremally rare n64 game that no one is talking about.

[Released: 1996] The console's design was revealed to the public for the first time in late Spring 1994. The N64 console was frequently marketed as the world's first 64-bit gaming system and sold 500,000 units in North America during its first four months.

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The extremally rare n64 game that no one is talking about.

Post by /n64 »

Ever heard of Bakuretsu muteki bangaio? If not this might be your lucky find, It was released only in Japan on n64 console (besides being released on dream cast prior) with a total of 10,000 copies in existence. Know what that means? That means the game could be more rare than ClayFighters Sculptor's Cut, a game that only got printed off 20,000 copies, worth about 2,000+ USD. Ironically you can find Bakuretsu muteki banga sold online for about 200 USD, I'm sure this wont last very long once people start to realize how rare the game actually is.. well maybe not. We all mostly know the story, Clay fighters owes its rarity to the now defunct Blockbuster, but what do you think is worth more? A game with 20,000 copies that is rental only, or a game with only 10,000 copies ever created but is not rental only? Would enjoy to hear your opinions!

submitted by /u/Remote_Ad_7567
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