Final Fantasy 1 Rom hack question

[Released: 1983] The best-selling gaming console of its time. With the NES, Nintendo introduced a now-standard business model of licensing third-party developers, authorizing them to produce and distribute software for Nintendo's platform.

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Final Fantasy 1 Rom hack question

Post by /nes »

I watched a little bit of the youtuber NESHacker on how he made a rom hack of FF1 with the ability to buy shop items in bulk. I will watch the full 3 part series and try it myself (ive never coded in 6502 and am terrible at coding in general so probably will fail it) but if I do fail, is there an already patched rom hack with the ability to buy in bulk items for FF1 NES version?
(Yes I know I could play updated versions on the Ps1/psp etc) i do have the FF1 nes (ntsc) cartdrige and an everdrive N8 pro with the rom loaded on to it (so i dont wear out the original cartdrige). I dont want any gameplay changes or balance changes, just the shop ability to purchase multiple items at once.

submitted by /u/BerkGats
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