Stuff I think Sony should/should have done with their PS1 IPs.

[Released: 1994] Sony entered into an agreement with Nintendo to develop a CD-ROM attachment, for the Super Nintendo. Due to contractual problems it was never released, and instead, a modified version was introduced by Sony called the PlayStation.

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Stuff I think Sony should/should have done with their PS1 IPs.

Post by /playstation »

A Twisted Metal metal game done in the aesthetic of 2 and Head-On but with the controls/mechanics of Black and TM 2012.
MediEvil 2 remake. Literally MediEvil 2 remake.
An Ape Escape remake or a worldwide remaster of Million Monkeys should have been a launch title for PS4. Yes, the series wasn't doing so hot given the poor reception of the 2011 PS Move spin-off, but with Spike's having some relevance at the time due to his appearance in PlayStation: All Stars and the fact that it is literally Ape Escape would have sold units on the name alone and probably done alot more than whatever Knack was trying to accomplish.
Intelligent Qube/Kurushi should get a VR remake. I would say Jumping Flash as well, but the excessive jumping might be disorienting.
Arc the Lad should have had a PSP installment. The series' detailed sprite work, Pokemon/Yu-Gi-Oh inspired Monster Tournament mode and cult following in Japan, I feel would have given the series a better chance alongside the PS2 releases.
Everybody's Golf PS5 should have Abby from the Last of Us as a guest character.
Parappa the Rapper should have been recognized for his contributions to hip-hop as he one of the first Japan-based MCs to have worldwide success along with being the inventor of mumble rap.

submitted by /u/U_R_NOT_RED-E
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