Help me find this game !

[Released: 1990] The SNES was the best-selling console of the 16-bit era despite its relatively late start and the fierce competition it faced. The console was able to run some of the first three-dimensional video games on consoles, beginning with Star Fox.

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Help me find this game !

Post by /snes »

Hello everyone ! First of all, sorry for the broken english. I need some help for a quest for a long lost childhood game. My sister passed away a year ago and since then I'm trying to relive some memories of her and the best times I had with her were when we were playing together with our old SNES. I was 4-5 back then so somes memories are quite foggy but I remember a game we loved. I can't remember the name or the gameplay precisely though but some moments are stuck in my mind. It was a rpg where the character could fast travel using some sort of canonball, I remember a scene where we had to save a girl from wolves (we had a lot of trouble for this one) and another one where we fought ghost like creatures. Gameplay wise the fighting style was similar to a pokémon game. I can't remember much because our SNES broke down and we had no way to finish the game anymore. It bugged me for a while after my sister passed away, like we had unfinished business together. I tried to find this game on my own with those very few informations but in vain. I know this may sound very corny and I don't have a lot of hints to give but it kinda became an obsession for me. If someone could help me find this game so that I can end this chapter it would be awesome ?

submitted by /u/Nayanea
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