Help needed

[Released: 2001] The Xbox was Microsoft's first video game console after collaborating with Sega to port Windows CE to the Dreamcast console and was the first console offered by an American company after the Atari Jaguar stopped sales in 1996.

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Help needed

Post by /xbox »

Image So i recently got my hands on an original xbox. I collect games and i grew up with that gen's games but i played mainly on pc/ps2, so i got curious about the first xbox ever. Knowing it can be soft modded i just thought i could buy one, mod it and have some fun. To my surprise, i've seen at boot a logo that i know is not there on an original xbox. Searching the internet gave very few and confusing answers, mainly because i have very little knowledge on the xbox modding scene, terms and all that. The image posted is not mine, is from a fellow redditor who asked the same question but many many years ago. Question is ..what did my dirty hands end up on? What can i do? What am i even looking at?

Additional info that may be helpful:
Xbox Dash is the leatest official ms dash. Heard it could have multiple dashes that can be accessed if specific button is pressed on boot but none worked ..turnig it on using the disc eject button, keeping black pressed while booting etc ..nothing.

While exploring the dash, the number of blocks the console says it has is 50.000+ and didn't change before or after making save files for multiple games so my wild guess is that it has a different HDD inside than the factory one.

Does all of this have any meaning? Does this mean i may have games installed by previous owner but not showing up because i don't know how to have access to the potential second Dash?

Sorry for the long read, and sorry if i broke any rules in some way, shape or form, i am just a guy happy for the "new" Xbox wanting to gain additional knowledge. ... p&d8161cfa

submitted by /u/Nervous-Rich5238
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