Please help me find the game of my childhood; game type: karate/kung fu

[Released: 1983] The best-selling gaming console of its time. With the NES, Nintendo introduced a now-standard business model of licensing third-party developers, authorizing them to produce and distribute software for Nintendo's platform.

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Please help me find the game of my childhood; game type: karate/kung fu

Post by /nes »

Hi, all I remember:
The game was about karate/ninja something like that, the characters were dressed in kimono. The game for its years had more detailed graphics than a character with a few pixels and it was definitely a nintendo game. The character in the game walked continuously to the right and the screen scrolled, along the way you fought enemies and got stars/shurikens. I remember that it was possible to play for two in real time, meaning that we both played simultaneously and not turn-based. At the end of each stage there was a boss waiting and he was a human. There were no monsters. If I remember correctly character number 2 was probably a bit fatter than character number one and I think he was dressed in a red kimono but I could be wrong. I can't search anything on the internet about this game. I owned the Polish version of ninentdo clone in our country it was called "pegasus" it was similar to famicom. Sorry for my English and thanks for your time.

submitted by /u/xQuiet99
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