Need help with my Pi-Zero & Bicool PoE Hat

The Raspberry Pi is a series of credit card-sized single-board computers developed in the United Kingdom by the Raspberry Pi Foundation to promote the teaching of basic computer science in schools and developing countries.

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Need help with my Pi-Zero & Bicool PoE Hat

Post by /RaspberryPi »

So I have a Pi-Zero (older model, not the new W) and attached the Bicool PoE hat, which seems to function just fine as far as providing power and allowing the Pi to boot, I am even able to use one of the USB-A ports on the hat to connect a keyboard and mouse, again this works just fine. However, oddly, the ETH port does not show up as a valid network interface. Running an ifconfig only lists lo & wlan0, no eth0 to be found. I am quite certain the PoE hat is capable of providing both network and power on that interface, though the ETH port is only 100Mb that's more than enough for my needs. I should also add the Pi is running the latest release of Raspberry Pi OS (11) but the lite version with no GUI, as this is destined to hopefully serve as a temp/humidity sensor.
Has anyone else used this PoE hat? Is there additional configuration I need to do in order to get Raspberry Pi OS to see and use the ETH port?

submitted by /u/evlgamer
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